About Us

Founded back in 2012, Social Network Solutions (SNS) a digital marketing agency that has remained at the forefront of social media, content creation and influencer marketing. We were one of the very first social media agencies to support clients in ensuring their social media accurately reflects who they are. Some of our original clients are still with us today!

As new social media platforms emerged, so did the demand for content and with that, we grew an in-house content team that produce original and bespoke photography, videography and animated social media assets for our clients.

And with the emergence of influencer marketing in 2016, SNS set up its sister company The Blogger Programme (TBP), a leading influencer platform which houses over 50,000 influencers as well as running numerous global campaigns.

Our sister company The Blogger Programme allows us to source the most authentic influencers that are relevant and will get the best results for our clients. The platform houses over 50,000 self-registered influencers

Along the journey, we’ve built up a large network of our own social media channels such as Men’s Fashion Magazine (MFM) and The Fashion Hub (TFH) to name a couple. These in-house networks give us access to over 4M social media users at the click of a button which enables us to provide content amplification for our clients.

Our Journey

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